Monday, April 25, 2011

The New Bracelets Are Here!

So I've been looking at all those nifty cancer bracelets.

How cool are they! I mean, you wear one of those things, and it just screams "I'm supportive!".

Plus it's like you're in a club with one of those things on your wrist. The brotherhood of the feral cells. The sisterhood of rogue tissue. Or something like that.

I was going to go and buy a whole bunch of Lance Armstrong's 'Live Strong' bands, but the message just didn't seem quite right. Live strong? How the hell else would one live?

So I looked, and I looked, and I looked. Oh, there were wristbands and bracelets a plenty, yet none that I thought could sum up my experience. None of them 'hit the spot' so to speak.

After much thought and careful planning I came up with a bracelet of my own.

I think you'll agree that the message could not be plainer.

I give you the David bracelet.

I'll have them for sale soon. At a reasonable price of just $99.99. This way I only need to sell a few. And all the proceeds from the sale will go to . . . something really good.

Not gas for the motorcycle.



  1. Will these ship overseas? :)

  2. I'm SO glad you didn't go with the whole Live Strong theme. I've always had an aversion to that phrase, too. And besides, Lance Armstrong is a cheater. In yellow (nothing like calling attention to yourself). And he's not aging well, either.

    Sign me up for 10 bracelets. Do I get a quantity discount???


  3. Molly - Yes, I will ship overseas. You can tell your friends it's what the cool kids are wearing. :)

  4. Terri - And I also hear he is not kind to puppies or kittens. Bastard.
    Also I will offer a huge discount of bulk sales. Order away!
